Sunday, January 8, 2012

Rollercoaster Style

As Friday afternoon rolls along, my date (that's been in the making for the last 89 years) suddenly derails - I've been hit by the stomach flu roller coaster. 

I head home, after barely finishing the day at work, load myself up with stomach calming medicine and wait for the 'magic' of modern medicine to start working.  Thirty minutes later, I call Frank (Grandpa Houser) and let him know that I'm on my way. 

Frank responds with his authoritative booming voices:  "Why don't we move it to another day?"

"Would you like to meet this weekend?"

"No, we meet on Fridays."  He states in the tone that tells me he's set his mind and there's no changing it!

"OK, it's a date, I'll see you next Friday." I humbly hang up the phone, sad that I've missed the first Friday with Frank. 

I start laughing out loud  - the stubbornness of Frank in having the date changed (this is one of the reason's why I love that man).

Stop!  Let me off this roller coaster stomach flu.... I have a date that's taken 89 years to come to fruition....

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Favorite Story - Only Partially Remembered

Hello Family, I've been thinking about my upcoming Friday with Frank.  Do you have stories that Frank use to tell, and you only remember part of the details?  If you are like me, I'm sure you have a few that you'd like to reminded of. 

For example:  What was the name of the guy that was wooing Betty, trying to stake claim on his girl?  What canned food will he not eat and why? 

As my Fridays with Frank unfold, I'd like get the missing pieces, and the whole story from - well, from the horses mouth!  What stories do you partially remember?  Let me know in the comments section and lets see if we can get the complete story - from the horses mouth!