Friday, August 10, 2012

There's 'Chemistry' In The Lab

Pomona Junior College Yearbook 1942 pg 29
Frank should be somewhere in this picture.
Take a look and see if you can find him,
if you do let me know.
Compliments of
During the summer of 1941, Frank prepared himself to attend Pomona Junior College, which was an extension of Pomona High School.   They offered a 2 year college program that would prepare you for one of the local 4 year colleges.

That fall, Frank started college with a full course of classes. [The exact classes he took are unknown, but if you remember what your first session of college was like, you'd probably have a pretty good feel for what he was feeling; busy, overwhelmed, exhausted, tense, excited, and hopeful]

There was one class, that stood out from all the others - Chemistry Lab.

While in Chemistry Lab, Frank would quite often find himself in one mess after another.  [Who knows if how explosive the messes were, but it wouldn't surprise me if there were a few.]

One day, one mess, one such extra big mess - the type of mess that even the messiest of people look down on - was created by Frank:

Frank, finishing his lab assignment, looks around the table, and sees the largest mess the chem lab has ever seen!  Papers, bottles, liquid, and lab equipment, were sprawled all over the place.  It was such a huge mess that it took up the entire table even flowing down the sides to the floor.

Frank, being just over six foot, clumsily starts cleaning the mess.  As he'd put one item away, he'd knock over another, spilling and dropping more items then before.  Cleaning this way was getting nothing accomplished.

A gently, petite, kind, caring, beautiful young lady walked around the table, bent down along with Frank and started to help him clean.

Frank lifted his head to catch the individual kneeling next to him, and came in contact with the most delicate, gentle, eyes, he's ever gazed into.  Just then the cause, reason, and why of the mess quickly ran from his mind, only to be replaced by the vision of kneeling next to him.

They both stood to place a few items back on the table, Frank's height looming above her petite five foot frame.  She came only to his chest, but looked directly into his eyes, catching a glimpse into the soul of the real man, Frank.

Frank introduced himself and thanked her for over and over for the extra help.

She introduced herself as, 'Betty, Betty Calkins', and commented with a little giggle that he could use a little help right about now.

Together, this cute little lady, barely 5 feet tall - and this messy, 6 foot tall man cleaned up the chemistry mess.  This moment would forever catapult Frank's life into a new trajectory, one filled with future hope.

Pomona Junior College Yearbook 1942 pg 28
Betty Calkins, I believe is on the front row very far left.
One would love to know the reason for the extra help.  Was it Betty's generous compassion for the extra large man, attempting to clean an extra large mess, while making more messes as he cleaned?  Or was it the opening she was hoping to come across so she'd get to know this good looking gentleman in lab class?  Unfortunately this will always remain a mystery to us, at least one that we will never know in this lifetime.

Whatever the reason, I thank Betty's generous heart for her willingness to help Frank.  For it was this moment that made it possible for me, and most of you reading this, to be here today.  Thank you Betty, also knows as Mom, Grandma, and Great Grandma.
Pomona Junior College Yearbook 1942 pg 54
Betty Calkins asterisk next to name and pic

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